Your support is very vital for the existence of Stara Rescue Centre and School. All donations made to the Stara Rescue Centre and School are well appropriated for the day to day running of the school
- Making a personal donation – either as an individual or as a group.
- Asking the company you work for to make such a donation. Many companies offer their employees a matched giving scheme to support employee fundraising.
- Making a donation through a Trust or Charitable Fund. (Personal or Corporate donation through the Corporate Social Responsibility initiative).
- Leaving a bequest to Stara Rescue Centre and School (i.e. a legacy).
- Making a gift of property.
- Making a gift of shares.

Current Donors
1. Swiss Stara Support – Main Donor
Started supporting day-today running of the school in 2009 by paying the staff salaries.
- Classroom construction.
- Paying utilities.
- General School development
- Holiday feeding program support
- Covers the staff wages
- Construction of classrooms and other school facilities after a fire accident burnt parts of the school
- Cancer Treatment support for Director Josephine Mumo
2. Donze Foundation (Philipp Cottier)
- Provides Sanitary pads and panties to girls
- Supported two Directors of Stara Peace Women Organization by paying for them computer training
- Supporting school girls by introducing bead work making training
- Sponsorships for pupils.
- Cash token to Stara community during and after Covid-19 pandemic
- Construction of CBC classrooms
- School textbooks grants
3. Elma Philanthropies
- Provides Community grants to support the Stara Feeding program
- Provides Capacity Building
- Provides advisory services to improve lives of children in Kibera
- Donation of computers
- Provides expertise on how to run the greenhouse project
4. Standard Chartered Staff
- Donated metal desks and chairs
- Donates Geometrical sets to class 8 candidates.
- The Sponsor of the best Std 8 pupils.
5. Coco Belfrage
- Sponsors two boys and a girl from 2013 to date
- Constructed kitchen and dining hall for the school
- Construction of a kitchen and a dining hall
- Construction of classrooms for Playgroup, PP1, PP2, and grade 1
6. Government of Kenya
- Provision of HIV medication.
- Facilitation of training and guidance on Curriculum development.
- Provision of learning materials
7. Fiona Kirubi
- Ramadhan iftar donations
- Eid celebrations support
- Computer donations
- Bata shoes and clothes donations
- School trip grants
Sponsors – Secondary school education
1. Swiss Stara Support through Kenya Educational Fund (KEF)
They fund scholarships
2. Thomas Merlin – UN Habitat
3. Shazia Islam Shah
Have been sponsoring a child at Nembu Girls Secondary School from form one 2014 to date
One Time Donors
1. Red Cross
- Provided food and clothes to Stara Rescue Centre and School children and the community during the post-election violence.
2. Presbyterian Church
- Donated food.
3. International Medical Cops
- Donated one time food for Holiday feeding of the children.
4. Give a Child Life
- Donated one time food for Holiday feeding of the children.
5. Hope of Africa Children Initiative (HACI)
- Constructed two classrooms and provided furniture.
6. Lions Club
- donated a computer, sanitary pads and food.
7. Rotary club through Swiss Embassy (Mr. & Mrs. Florence Maltin)
- Donated sleeping mattresses.
8. Swiss Development Cooperation Agency
- Contributed in construction of toilets and Biogas.
- Provided Computers and a printer.
- Provided sewing machines.
- Occasionally provides food for holiday feeding program
9. Ministry of Education – Free Primary Education
- Occasionally provides textbooks.
10. M.S.F Belgium
- Provides ARV drugs and training to Home Based care (HBC) clients.
- Provided music instruments (Trumpets,) for the music club in the school.
11. Feed the Children.
- Provide rubber shoes for the children.
- Provides deworming tablets to the school pupils.
12. Anna Moroz – Working with WFP Italy
- Donates Christmas gifts to children
- Donated metal desks and chairs.
13. Kazi International (Fiona Kirubi)
- Celebrates her birthday party with Stara Rescue Centre and School children.
- Donates food during Ramadhan Festive to Muslim children and staff members
- Sponsored class eight candidates of 2014 to Nairobi national Museum
- Donated 5 computers before fire tragedy of 2011 which burnt all the computers
14. RAF Shawbury (Neil Hope)
- Donates football jerseys, foot balls, and sport shoes to school children annually.
Former Donors
1. Childs Life International
- Supported the school for 10 years.
2.World Food Program
- Provides school meals during school days (Monday to Friday).
- Constructed an energy saving jiko for the school.
- They supported Stara for 15 years from 2004 till 2018.
- Swiss Stara continues to fund the food programme.